Herbs of Gold Hayfever & Sinus Ease is specifically formulated with Horseradish, Garlic and vitamin C plus Eyebright and Baical scullcap to help relieve mucus and nasal congestion.
* Hayfever & Sinus Ease is an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant formula that helps relieve allergies and respiratory mucus and supports healthy immune function.
* Garlic is an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant herb traditionally used as an expectorant to relieve catarrhal conditions and to help clear mucus.
* Garlic helps to support and maintain a healthy immune system.
* Horseradish and Garlic have a mucolytic action and are used to aid the clearance of congestion and catarrh in the respiratory tract and nasal passages.
* Eyebright is traditionally used to relieve hayfever and mild sinusitis, nasal catarrh and excess mucus discharges.
* Eyebright is a mucous membrane tonic with anticatarrhal, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties.
* Eyebright is traditionally used as an astringent and tonic to support mucosal surfaces, especially the nasal membranes.
* Baical scullcap provides anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity that helps relieve allergies.
* Vitamin C provides natural antihistamine activity so plays an important role in balancing and maintaining healthy histamine levels.
* Vitamin C is an antioxidant and free-radical scavenger that supports the immune system.